

Fetches the latest information on the current user and session state.



Fetches the current jwtToken associated with the current user and session when available.


signInUser({ username: String, password: String })

Signs in an already created user and sets user obj in localstorage with USER key

registerUser({ username: String, password: String, attributes: Object })

Creates a new user and sets user obj in localstorage with USER key

  • attributes obj should be attributes required by User Pool
    email: '',
    phone_number: '+13335557777' // E.164 number convention
See AWS Amplify Docs for more info

confirmUser({username: String, code: String})

MFA verify user during registration. Used for custom registration flows.

resendConfirmation({ username: String })

Resends confirmation email/code

forgotPassword({ username: String })

Begins forgot password flow, and sends reset code to user

changePassword({username:String, code:String, newPassword: String})

Changes usernames password to newPassword given the code sent by forgotPassword


Signs out user and removes USER key from localstorage